Archive for the ‘Process Servers’ Category

How to Serve a Summons in Tennessee?

A summons in Tennessee is a demand for a person to appear in court due to a legal proceeding. It is a writ designed to bring people into court involuntarily whenever it may be necessary. If you are the plaintiff in the legal proceeding, it is up to you to make sure the defendants or […]...

How to Serve Divorce Papers in Tennessee?

Serving divorce papers in Tennessee is generally an easy process. When you file your Petition for Dissolution of Marriage–your divorce petition– with the court, the court clerk will issue a summons. You must take a copy of the summons and the divorce petition to the local sheriff’s office or to a special proces...

How Can I Serve Court Papers?

Once a Plaintiff in a civil action has filed a petition to commence an action against a Defendant, it is the Plaintiff’s responsibility to inform the Defendant that a lawsuit has been filed against him or her. This is called the Service of Process, which is the legal notification to the Defendant that a lawsuit […]...